Saturday, 2 February 2013

Mad for Matching

Lately I've being crazy for matching suits, a lot of the ones I have thought about buying have being a tad to pricey considering just how much wear I'd actually get out of them. Instead of buying the whole suit I've been buying just one piece (e.g. just the blazer or just the trousers) which got me thinking of how you could make a suit out of odd clothes, I know it's not going to be everybody cup of tea but I think if you stuck to a few rules when doing it, it could work well:
- stick to a colour scheme? 
- if one item is patterned keep the other plain 
- block colour shoes,tops etc. when wearing it all together
left; I liked the bold pattern top and how it clashed with the blazer, with having the top part clashing I kept to simple trousers and plain black shoes.
right; With this look I stuck to a colour theme of peach/lilac, the colour of the shoes match the colours featured in the pants creating the whole look. 
left; With such a statement blazer I wouldn't add any other patterns as it would just be to much, so instead I used different textures, such as the shiny pants, and metal detailing on the shoes.
right; This outfit seriously clashes but I think it actually works well, I added just a plain black crop to break up the patterns slightly. Alot of people say life is to short to wear boring clothes therefore silver (kind of moon) boots it is.
I think the whole suit thing is either a love it or hate it, but I like how it looks quite masculine in such a feminine way. I spotted a floral matching top&trousers in the Topshop sale yesterday and just had to get them, hopefully the sizes I bought will actually fit well (I wasn't quick enough on the sale bandwagon).
I hope you are all well, &let me know if matching is a yes or a big no go for you? 
all images via. polyvore
I haven't listed where the items are from however if you want to know just leave a comment and I'll be sure to tell you.


  1. I'm fully in love with this style clashing clothes is one of my favourite things to do hehe. today I went into town with bold floral patterned Topshop trousers and a checked blazer to clash, turns a few heads ah. it's definitely worth investing in a few vivid suit pieces :-) xxx

    1. Ah I bet it looked amazing! Nothing quite like getting funny looks about the clothes that you wear hah. Thanks for your comment. xxx

  2. You're one of my favourite blogs! I've nominated you for the Liebster Blog Award :)
