Wednesday, 2 January 2013

Ahcahcum Muchacha Cat Bags/ I got one!

So a few months ago, I feature a post all about (these) cat bags I had seen on Tumblr. Alot of people commented and got in touch with me asking did I have any idea where they could get one.. I didn't/
I looked everywhere for the bags and yet the only way I could get one would be to use a Service which would ship it from Japan or pay alot (£150) for one on eBay. The more I found out about them, the more I thought I had no chance of getting one, they were originally a free gift with the Ahcahcum Muchacha summer catalogue (which isn't available in the UK) and only really sold in Japan, but as they say the internet works wonders and "TA DA" look what I've found. 
I am truly so excited to do this post as I've wanted them for so long, I got them on eBay for £20.00 with free p&p from Hong Kong (how amazing!). They came via. airmail so I was not expecting them until at least late Jan, however they arrived today just a few days after the dispatch date (I've ordered things from the UK which have taken longer to get here). The seller I purchased mine from has now sold out but I did come across another (here, on eBay) which is selling them even cheaper (around £13). Obviously because I got my bag from a different seller I don't know about dispatch time or anything for this sale. What I do know is I am so happy with the bags and even happy to accept the strange looks I will get with these little faces on my shoulder. I love them! I hope this helps with anyone who wants a cat bag just as much as I did!



  1. OMG!!! That is an amazing bag and I am so pleased you managed to get one. Make sure too model your bag with one of your outfits for us.

  2. I am so envious! These are adorable! <3 So worth the wait though - well done!

    Lost in the Haze: a Fashion Photography Blog

  3. My word that is one incredible bag! Lucky you managing to track one down!
    Love your blog by the way :)
    Kaz x

  4. awh how lovely I remember seeing everyone posting them too xxx

  5. i tried to comment on this the other day but my phone messed it up, i definitely ordered one of these so thanks for the link!

    Laila x

    1. Ah,you are so welcome! Glad I could help, you'll love them.
