Thursday, 24 January 2013

Only spend what you can afford.

blazer | asos sale | £39.00
paloma tee | concert | £20
books | amazon | £10 - £15 each 
dvd | amazon | £4.00
tangle teezer | boots | £11.00
Lately I've being trying to budget my money abit more and not spend (waste) it on clothes, I used to buy whatever clothes I liked but just end up sending most of them to the charity shop, therefore I am only buying things I really really want. 
I saw the floral blazer on ASOS reduced from £90 which I thought was pretty good, It had a lovely matching pants but I just don't think I'd get much wear out of them, therefore it was just the blazer in my basket this time. I've wanted one like this for quite a while, I have a bright coloured similar one which is really only good for the summer so now I have one for each six months of the year (maybe?)
Last night I went to see Paloma Faith live in Manchester, she was truly amazing (even better live than on her album), I spotted the rabbit tee on her website a while ago but thought "oh I don't need it" .. obviously I did need it because ta daa, its hanging in my wardrobe now. 
The two books I've been wanting for a while now, I think they will be good to read as I'm not quite sure what I want to do with my life, not for a second am I saying a book is going to change my life but I just need to know what's out there. I've wanted to be involved in fashion/clothes/creative kind of jobs since I was about 15, its just finding the right thing for me. A lot of websites recommended the Visual Merch book, I think I want to head down that end of fashion, so that was a essential on my 'book list' (one of my new year goals is to read more, so far I'm doing pretty well).
Tangle teezer I'm going to review when I've had it for a while.
I hope you are all well.
instagram : holliedingsdale



  1. Oh my god LOVE that blazer so beautiful! Lovely blog you have here, now following! x

  2. I am trying this with spending too! waste so much money on clothes that I don't wear, and buying on impulse. Im finding already that Im getting alot more wear out of those I have really thought about buying. its hard but worth it!
