Monday, 16 September 2013

Sometimes blogging takes a back seat..

I haven't posted properly for almost two weeks now, which isn't really like me, neither is it out of choice. Since I started my blog I was on a year out (unexpected but still a year out). Last week I started my new course which meant I have been so busy, although outfit photographs do only take a few minutes of my day I just couldn't find the time, however I'm going to do my best to make time. 
Like I said, I've started my new course which is a Foundation Degree in Fashion Design&Technology. After a year of letting people talk me out of doing it (because it is such a tough industry and hard to get in to) I finally thought 'just do what you want'. To be fair everything is tough now a days so it's better to do something you enjoy. I already know I've made the right choice because I love it even after just three days. My year out showed me how important it is to be happy doing what you want. If you want to do it, do it.
Speaking of it..
I have been a huge Alexa Chung fan for such a long time, since school so around four/five years. She was the first person I saw& actually though 'I'd quite like to dress like that'.. Anyway, her long awaited book came out earlier this week and I can honestly say I love it. It's a really easy read, kind of like a scrap book of her life I guess.. From heartbreak to hairstyles, to how she gets her perfect winged liner. Alex Zane is even featured it in, what more could you want from a book! 
I'll be back to normal outfit posts this week, hope you're all well!

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