Saturday, 6 July 2013

It's all about swapping

Today I went to a vintage fair/ clothes swap, I've been the this vintage fair before which is a mix of retro/vintage clothes, music, cakes, handmade jewellery etc. but this month I noticed they had added a clothes swap into the mix, the were few rules and really easy to join in with. Five items, you register and swap them for tokens.. pick the clothes you want then simply give a token back for each item you chose. Five new things to replace the five you just donated (you don't have to do five, can take less).
To be completely honest there wasn't as much as I had hoped for, but I did get three things back one being a levis jacket that needs abit of a diy before I blog it, a sheer jacket and the jumpsuit you'll see below (which I really wanted so dropped on thinking how the lucky/unlucky swapping can be). I also bought a few things from the priced stalls.
lilac dress | vintage | £3.00
sunflower top | vintage | £8.00
jumpsuit | originally h&m | swapped
If you do get the chance to attend something like this I'd really recommend it just because you have no idea what you could pick up, one persons rubbish really is another's treasure. If you are interested in something like this, maybe have a quick look;
also try groupon as the always have offers on for tickets (2for1)
 I attended here so if you're close to Liverpool have a quick look.
Hope you're all well.


  1. I love the sunflower top, some lovely pieces you picked up! I adore vintage fairs! x

  2. wow, what a lovely concept, wish there was something like this where I live! That jump suit is so gorgeous, what a great swap x

  3. Oooh the sunflower top is literally just like the ones in American Apparel at the moment- except better cos it's authentic! Great finds.

    Greta xoxo

    1. That's exactly what I thought of when I spotted the top, so much cheaper to.
      Thanks for your comment xx
