Monday, 9 December 2013

DIY Christmas; Button Tree's

Christmas is almost here& I always love making some of my presents rather than just buying them all. Last year I made teacup candles and fabric hangers but I thought I'd go for something a little more Christmas themed this year. I spotted these cute button tree's on pinterest. Pinterest is really good place for DIY Christmas ideas, or just and DIY idea's at all, I'm currently hooked on re-pinning things. Anyway I thought they'd be a cute present for my nan's, plus they can always use the pins&buttons too.
You will need;
- polyester cone (e-bay or craft shops)
- selection of buttons
- pin (with a plastic head on are best as they hold the pin)
I don't think I really need to do step by step instructions just as it literally is as easy as it looks.
Place the button where you want it& push the pin through the hole to keep the button in place.
Two cones took me about an hour so it's pretty quick to.
I've seen all kinds of shapes not just tree's, button baubles are really cute.
Sorry I haven't posted in such a long time but I do have a few Christmas DIY posts lined up& will be back properly once I finish uni for the Christmas break, Hope you're all well! 

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